
A snackbar is a brief, temporary notification that confirms the outcome of an action or process that’s just happened.

When to use

Use a snackbar:

  • to give users immediate, non-critical feedback on the outcome of an action or process (without disrupting their experience)

Don't use a snackbar:

  • if the message is critical, or requires the user to do something

Best practice
  • Only show information that the user can find somewhere else on the screen (if they don't see the snackbar).
  • Never use snackbars for critical information — some users may not notice it, or might not have time to read the text before it fades out.
  • Only include a button if really necessary, and made sure the user can perform the same action somewhere else on the screen.


Place the snackbar at the bottom centre of the screen. On mobile, make sure it sits just above the bottom navigation.

Only use one snackbar on a screen at once.


Snackbars are temporary, and fade out automatically. The user doesn’t need to interact with them or dismiss them.

The only part of a snackbar that is clickable is the optional button. But don’t include a button unless you really have to. They’re rarely needed.

There should never be more than one button on a snackbar. And the user should still be able to perform the same action somewhere else on the screen.


Don’t trigger snackbars too often — frequent interruptions are disruptive for people with cognitive and visual impairments.



The text should:

  • confirm what just happened

  • use the pattern noun + verb

  • be 3 words or less

  • have no full stop

A snackbar with a short title
A snackbar with a short and succinct title.
A snackbar with a short and succinct title.
A snackbar with a long title.
A snackbar with a long title.
A snackbar with a long title.


Button copy should:

  • start with a verb, like ‘Pay’ or ‘Send’

  • be just a few words (ideally 1 or 2)

  • describe the action (if someone only reads the button, they should know what will happen next)

  • connect to the content around it — for example, it might use the same words as the title

  • avoid using first person pronouns like ‘me’, ‘my’ and ‘I’

  • be in sentence case (only capitalise the first letter of the first word)

  • have no full stop

A snackbar with a single verb as the button text.
A snackbar with a single verb as the button copy.
A snackbar with 'Cancel' as the button copy.
A snackbar with 'Close' as the button copy.
A snackbar with 'Confirm' as the button copy.
A snackbar with 'Go' as the button copy.



Developer documentation




Web documentation