Wise Connect

Wise Connect is the flagship event for Wise Platform, where we gather leadership in the international payments industry from all around the world. This is an opportunity for the company to build new partnerships and connections.

In this page you will find the resources necessary to create a consistent experience for Wise Connect anywhere in the world.

A woman presenting in front of a big screen with Wise Platform contents related

Our Wise Connect lockup is used to identify the event brand on hero assets and videos sign off. 

 We emphasise the lockup over the Wise Platform logo, subtly incorporating our brand on the platform stack and avoid making heavy marketed pieces.

Wise connect 2024 lockup with guidelines description
Wise connect lockup on white background
Wise connect 2024 on Forest Green Background
Wise Connect lockup composed in the same way as Wise Platform lockup
Wise Connect lockup composed as a Rebus using an arrow and a globe icons
Hero visual

Our hero visual is based on the Wise Platform stacks composition as our main asset that translates our services and offerings. 

We use the different crops and compositions to fit different formats accordingly, sticking to Wise Platform’s core colour palette.

Wise Connect hero visual composed with lockup and stack
Merch and Collaterals

As part of the event design, all merchandising is meticulously planned. 

 These items not only enhance our brand's visibility and recognition but also make it more memorable.

person wearing a white t-shirt with a Wise Platform logo on the right side
Back of a person wearing a t-shirt with the headline Powering the world's money and a satellite illustration
A tote bag with Wise Platform logo and Powering the world's money headline
Pen with Wise Platform logo printed
A notebook with Wise Platform tapestry printed
Wise platform business cards
Wise Platform lanyards
Slides template

Our Google Slides template provides great examples with composed typography and the best use of our brand assets. 

 Follow the best practices for a impactful presentation.

Video Templates

To enhance the event experience, we have created customisable templates for the agenda, welcome screen, and a kick-off video.

 For more detailed information on motion guidance for platform check the Motion Toolkit document.

A diagram showing the order how to use the video templates

Welcome Screen

The welcome video serves as a holding screen while the event hasn’t started, technical issues or any other occasion where we have a screen and an opportunity to add more brand presence to the environment.

Satellite illustration cropped with Wise connect lockup on the top left margin


The countdown video transitions from the welcome screen when the event is about to begin. It signals to the audience that it's time to find their seats and prepare for the event.

A grid showing the satellite illustration and Wise Connect lockup, the event date, a countdown and globe with the letters LDN

Holding screen

Are standard holding screens that can be used throughout the event whenever necessary like technical problems or break time.

Stack illustration in big scale with Wise Connect lockup on top left corner

Kick-Off Video

The kick-off video sets the tone for the event, creating the right atmosphere and establishing the proper environment.

Wise Connect lockup and Platform Stack composed on a white background


The agenda keeps the audience informed about the event's content and is typically displayed on multiple screens throughout the venue. The template file is built on After Effects with responsive paddings for each container.

A grid with images showing the event agenda

Good practices

When editing our templates, please ensure consistency by avoiding the addition of extra elements or alterations to existing styles.

London image with Wise Sans composed on it. A red line crosses the whole image.
A conference room with Wise connect content on the screen and two silhouettes on the right side of the stage